Club By-laws
The Jets Junior Football Club is a branch of the Heathmont Football Club Inc. These By-Laws govern the operations of the Jets and are to be read in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Heathmont Football Club under the Associations' Incorporation Act 1981.
For more details, download a copy of the by-laws by clicking on the PDF icon below:
Policies - Players
Player Development & Training Policy
The Player Development & Training Policy is designed to provide a clear understanding of the objectives and focus of coaching and training at each phase/stage of a player’s development during their time with the Club.
The policy provides details for each of the following stages:
Stage 1: Fundamental Stage (Under 8s, Under 9s and Under 10s)
Stage 2: Modelling Stage (Under 11s, Under 12s and Under 13s)
Stage 3: Establishment Stage (Under 14s and Under 15s)
Stage 4: Specialising Stage (Under 17s and Under 18s).
For more details, download a copy of the policy document below:
Playing Time Policy
The Club aims to maximise game time for all registered players while at the same time aiming to field competitive teams that cater for players of varying abilities and background.
The policy is broken down into 3 parts:
Minimum game time in the non-competitive age groups (U8s to U10s) and competitive age groups (U11s and U12s)
Minimum playing time in competitive U13s to U15s age groups
Reasonable game/playing time in the competitive U17s age group
For more details, download a copy of the policy document below:
Player Positional Rotations Policy
The general philosophy of the Club is that all players deserve the opportunity to experience playing in a variety of positions throughout their football development. Coaches at all age groups are encouraged to play players in a variety of positions throughout the season, and in so doing teach them the various positional requirements, disciplines and versatility required to play the game.
To support coaches in this aim the following policy guidelines have been developed for the various stages of player development and age groups:
Stage 1: Fundamental Stage (Under 8s, Under 9s and Under 10s)
Stage 2: Modelling Stage (Under 11s, Under 12s and Under 13s)
Stage 3: Establishment Stage (Under 14s and Under 15s)
Stage 4: Specialising Stage (Under 17s and Under 18s).
For more details, download a copy of the policy document below:
Player Registration Policy
In order to play with the Club, players must register with the Club each year. The policy details the following:
Number of registered players per team and age group
Priority registration process
Partnership teams
Age groups
For more details, download a copy of the policy document below:
Team Allocation & Player Grading Policy
The Club aims to field at least one team in each age group of the EFL junior competition. Wherever possible, more than one team will be entered into an age group. The Club will finalise and advise players and parents of the number of teams it will be expecting to field at each age group level in the upcoming season as soon as practical after Registration Day or as required by the EFL.
The policy addresses the following:
2 or more teams in an age group
Player grading and team selection process
Movement of players between teams
Football sub-committee
Training arrangements for age groups with 2 or more teams
Age groups
For more details, download a copy of the policy document below:
Club Awards Policy
The club celebrates the performance of players, coaches and volunteers.
The policy addresses the following:
Coaches Awards
Best and Fairest Voting
Club awards
For more details, download a copy of the policy document below:
Policies - Coaches
Coaching Application & Appointment Policy
The Club seeks to appoint the best available coaches to oversee each of its teams. At the end of each season, the Club will declare all coaching positions vacant and invite existing and prospective coaches to apply for a coaching position for the following season.
The policy details the following:
Application process
Coaching process
Coaching tenure
Resignation or forfeiture
Assistant coaches
For more details, download a copy of the policy document below:
Coaches' Code of Conduct
The Club seeks to appoint the best available coaches to oversee each of its teams. Understanding the integral part that coaches play, there is an expectation that they maintain a high standard of behaviour and conduct in the best interests of the game and the players/staff under their care.
To that end, we ask coaches to agree to this code by signing the document below:
Policies - Child Protection
Child Safe Policy
Child safety and wellbeing is a key priority of the Heathmont Jets Junior Football Club and we hereby declare our commitment to creating an environment that is safe and welcoming for all children and young people to participate in Australian Football.
To achieve this, our Club is committed to implementing the Victorian Child Safe Standards through our Commitment Statement on Child Safety, the Club’s Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy, Code of Conduct, Complaints and Reporting Procedure policies. These policies and procedures when applied ensures compliance with Safeguarding Children Standards and will :
• Establish a culturally safe environment in which diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected
• Embed child safety and wellbeing in organisational leadership, governance and culture
• Empower children and young people so they know their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously
• Inform and engage families in respect to child safety and wellbeing
• Ensure that equity and diversity is upheld through our policies and practices
• Engage volunteers and officials to ensure that they are suitable to work with children and young people
• Respond to complaints and concerns promptly, thoroughly and with a child focused approach
• Educate staff, game day personnel and volunteers to provide them with knowledge and skills how to create a safe and welcoming environment for children and young people at our Club
• Understand and mitigate the risks to children and young people in physical and online environments
• Review and improve our child safe policies, procedures and practices regularly
• Role model behaviour and actions documented in policies, procedures and practices guiding how our Club is safe for Children and Young People
Our Club has zero tolerance to any form of child abuse or harm and will act quickly and in the best interest of the child or young person should an allegation of harm or abuse occur.
Policy document can be viewed by clicking the link below -