Jetset Head Start Training Program 2019
Develop Your Skills, Increase Your Enjoyment and Improve Your Teamwork!
The Jetset training program was held for the first time last year and proved very popular with over 40 players – both boys and girls - across multiple age groups participating in the program.
The Jets are very pleased to announce that the program will return in 2019 beginning on Monday 25th February with four sessions to be held on Monday nights through to the last week in March.
This year the program is available to BOYS and GIRLS in the age groups Under 10 through to Under 14. The program focuses on fostering skills, enjoyment and teamwork. It is dedicated to helping young aspirational players of all ability levels reach their full football potential.
The Jetset training program will provide determined and aspirational young footballers with the knowledge and support to help develop various areas of their game.
The Jetset training program will help players to learn more about the game that they love and thereby further their enjoyment of it. By nurturing and improving players’ abilities – of any talent level – they can confidently step out onto the football field and really enjoy and excel at the game.
Teamwork, motivation and goal setting are all important lessons that are part of the Jetset training program. Through involvement in the program players will feel more confident about themselves and their ability to contribute to the team both on and off the football field.
The Jetset training program will be begin on Monday 25th February and will conclude on Monday 25th March, with four (4) 90-minute sessions being held in total. Dates and times of the sessions are outlined below along with a general outline of the skills and activities that will be covered in the program. A more specific outline of each session will be made available once presenters have been finalised.
Session 1: Monday 25th February 5.00 – 6.30pm – Heatherdale Reserve
Session 2: Monday 4th March 5.00 – 6.30pm – Heatherdale Reserve
Session 3: Monday 18th March 5.00 – 6.30pm – Heatherdale Reserve
Session 4: Monday 25th March 5.00 – 6.30pm – Heatherdale Reserve
NOTE: There is no session scheduled for Monday 11th March due to the Labour Day Public Holiday
Details of the program and each session are currently being finalised with guest presenters, but the program will cover the following areas across the four sessions:
Athletic conditioning and injury prevention (including concussion)
Possession and disposal skills including ball handling
Basic and Dynamic Kicking
Improving decision making through game-sense activities an drills
Physical contact/tackling confidence and skill building
A facilitator will conduct each session and will be assisted by a range of special guest presenters as outlined below:
Facilitator: Wayne Judge - Director of Football at Heathmont Jets FC and current EFL Junior Inter-League Coach
Guest presenter: Justin O’Dwyer – “Next Generation” Academy Manager at Heathmont Jets FC
Guest presenter: Kyle Emerly – Senior Coach at Heathmont Jets FC
Guest presenter: Brett Davidson – Heathmont Jets JFC Under 16 Coach and current EFL Junior Inter-League Coach
Guest presenter: Malcolm Bangs – Tackling consultant to several TAC and AFL clubs
Guest presenters: Rise Health Group
Guest presenters: Senior players from the Heathmont Jets FC
Full Registration - $50.00 for all four sessions or
Individual Sessions - $15.00 per session
All participants in the full program of four sessions will receive a free Heathmont Jets drink bottle.
If you are interested in having your child participate in the Jetset training program, please register your child using the form above or contact
Wayne Judge – Director of Football
Inquiries close on Friday 22nd February 2019. Payments will be taken on the first night of the program.
Please note: The program will only be held if sufficient numbers have registered to make the program viable. Confirmation of the program will be sent to all those who register by Saturday 23rd February 2019.