Junior football club registrations are now open for season 2023.
The Heathmont Jets Juniors are preparing for moving into our brand new facilities at Heatherdale Reserve in 2023 and want you to be a part of it! We are expecting to field a full age range of boys teams from Under 8 to Under 16 and girls teams from Under 10 to Under 18.
Under the clubs player registration policy, players are allocated to an age group set by the EFNL on a first in basis as determined by the date on which registration has been completed. Players are forbidden to play practice or league matches unless fully registered and insured.
Registration fees for 2023 have been agreed by the committee are as follows –
Existing Players - $230 club registration fee ($210 early bird before 30/11)
Under 8 mixed team = $95 club registration fee (includes a free Jets Hoodie for new players)
Additional siblings of the first player are $160 per child. When registering more than 1 child, you must complete the entire process at once – contact us if you need assistance.
Compulsory $18 EFNL Player Registration/Insurance fee is payable for all existing and new players. This will be payable from the 1st November 2022 and must be paid before training resumes for 2023.
An option to support our club development fund is available this year. You can choose from a $25, $50, or $100 donation. This will be used to support our facilities over the coming years in preparation for the Heatherdale Pavillion redevelopment.
Visit the registration page at www.jetsjuniors.com/info-on-how-to-register

We know that current times are very difficult for so many families. At Heathmont, we want to help families with helping your children participate in sport. Round 5 of the Get Active Kids Voucher Program is NOW OPEN!
Do your children love sport and getting active? You may be eligible for up to $200 to put towards the cost associated with your child’s sport and active recreation activities. To be eligible, children must be Victorian residents, aged 18 and under and named on a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, as well as Medicare card. Additionally, special consideration also applies for children residing in care services as well as temporary or provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants or international students. Please refer to the Program Guidelines for more information.
The Get Active Kids Voucher Program helps eligible families get their kids involved in organised sport and active recreation activities by providing financial support for the cost of membership and registration fees. Eligible children may be able to receive up to $200 each. Sporting pursuits, swimming lessons and outdoor active recreation programs are examples of eligible activities under the Program. The Program encourages kids to re-engage or to participate for the first time in new activities by reducing the cost of participation which can be a significant barrier to participation.
You can claim one voucher per eligible child in round 5.
To find out if you are eligible, how to apply, what costs are covered and more, visit www.getactive.vic.gov.au/vouchers